The Dos and Don'ts of Possum Removal

The Dos and Don’ts of Possum Removal: Best Practices for a Safe and Effective Process

Possums are those furry creatures you find wandering your garden at night. Even though these animals are usually harmless, they can cause a lot of unintended destruction of your property, making their removal important. However, it is important to know how to remove these animals from your property safely without causing them any harm. Safe removal of possums is important due to many reasons. Be it the ethical implications or any other reason, it is important for you to know how you can get rid of these animals in a safe way.

At Instant Possum Removal, we are committed to providing safe removal of possums from your property. We have put together this guide about the best practices for a safe and effective possum removal process. Let’s get started:

Understanding Possums: Why Do They Come?

Before we jump into the dos and don’ts of possum removal, it’s important for you to understand why possums might be attracted to your property in the first place. This knowledge can help you in taking preventative measures and keeping them at bay. Here’s why possums might be attracted to your home:

– Food Sources: Possums are attracted to accessible food. This could be pet food left outside, unsecured garbage bins, or even fruit and vegetables in your garden that could act as attractants for them.

– Shelter: Possums often seek shelter in attics, garages, and under houses. Any accessible, warm, and quiet area can become a home for a possum very quickly.

Dos of Possum Removal

Now let us take a look at the things you should do when you are trying to remove a possum from your property:

  1. Inspect and Identify:

   – First, carefully inspect your property to confirm it is indeed a possum you’re dealing with.

   – You can look for droppings, damage to food containers, or disturbances in your garden to locate where the possum is hiding.

  1. Use Humane Traps

   – Use a live trap that is large enough for the possum but not too large to avoid injury.

   – You can use fruits or vegetables as bait since they are safe and appealing to possums.

  1. Check Local Wildlife Laws

   – Always check the local wildlife regulations to ensure that your methods of removal are compliant, since possums are protected species and you must abide by laws to remove them.

   – Some areas have specific rules about how and where to relocate trapped wildlife, so make sure you know about that.

  1. Hire Professionals

   – If you’re unsure about handling the situation yourself, it’s a good idea to hire professionals who are trained in wildlife management or possum removal. A possum removal can help you get the possum away from your home easily and safely.

  1. Prevent Future Visits

   – Keep all food sources secure and inaccessible to wildlife since possums and other animals are most attracted to leftover food.

   –  Make sure to seal off any entry points around your home where a possum could gain access to your home.

Don’ts of Possum Removal

Let us take a look at the things you shouldn’t do when trying to remove a possum from your property:

  1. Do Not Harm the Possum

   – Using poisons to kill possums is not only inhumane but also illegal, so avoid doing this.

   – Do not attempt to physically harm or kill the possum.

  1. Avoid Amateur DIY Solutions

   – Homemade or unproven repellents might not work and could harm the possum.

   – Improper traps can injure the possum, other wildlife, or even pets.

  1. Do Not Ignore the Problem

   – Ignoring a possum problem can lead to more significant issues, such as structural damage or health risks from droppings.

  1. Do Not Relocate Without Research

   – Relocating a possum without understanding the proper procedure and location can be harmful to the possum’s survival.

  1. Do Not Block Entrances Prematurely

   – Ensure that there are no baby possums left behind before sealing off entry points.

When to Call in the Experts

While DIY methods can be effective, professional wildlife removal services offer peace of mind and legality that DIY methods cannot guarantee. Our experts at Instant Possum Removal have the tools, training, and legal knowledge to handle possum problems without causing harm to the animals or the environment, so give us a call and we’ll handle the problem for you.

Removing possums from your property doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these best practices, you can ensure the process is safe, humane, and effective. Remember, the goal is to solve the immediate problem and take preventative measures to avoid future wildlife issues. With a bit of knowledge and the right approach, you can keep your home possum-free while respecting the natural wildlife in your community.

Expert Opinion

In order to help you understand the best way to keep possums away from your home in safe and effective ways, we spoke to one of our possum removal and wildlife management experts.

Here’s what he said: “First and foremost, stay calm and keep a safe distance. Possums are generally non-aggressive but can defend themselves if threatened. It’s best to contact a professional who knows how to handle and relocate them safely.”

We also asked him: “Are there any common mistakes people make in these situations?”

He said: “Absolutely. One major mistake is trying to remove the possum themselves. This can be risky for both the person and the animal. Also, it’s important not to block the entrance to the possum’s hiding spot without ensuring it’s empty. You don’t want to accidentally trap it inside.”

We asked him: “Are there any other tips for our readers?

He concluded: “Sure, the most important thing is to ensure your home is well-sealed to prevent future visits from these visitors. Make sure to cover any openings and maintain your gardens to make your property less appealing to possums. Remember, the goal is to coexist peacefully with our wildlife neighbours!”

If you need help dealing with a possum on your property, give us a call at Instant Possum Removal and we’ll be there to address your concerns.

Disclaimer: The information presented in this blog post has been diligently fact-checked and written by Nicholas Willmore, an esteemed Australian expert in the pest control industry

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