What Does Possum Poop Look Like

What Does Possum Poop Look Like

Possums have been forced to get into human territories due to the increased deforestation which has resulted in loss of habitat for them. This has led them to find a habitat in portions of human houses, including attics, roofs, wall cavities and trees in their gardens. In this article, we will explore what possum poop looks like and provide some useful information about these fascinating animals.

As a home-owner, you would want to know if your attic or property has the presence of possums. That can be found out through their droppings which can help in taking immediate measures if there is an infestation at hand indeed. Read this blog if you want to know more about identification of possum poop:

What Are The Places That You Can Find Possum Poop In?

Possums poop in any place they like. However, you can find their droppings in places such as attics, basements, spots in the backyard and garden. You are also likely to find possum droppings near garbage cans and inside swimming pools. Possum faces carry a lot of germs which is why it is important not to handle possum faeces without any safety measures.

Identifying Possum Droppings

Before we delve into the specifics of possum poop, it’s important to note that droppings can vary in appearance depending on factors such as diet and age of the animal. However, there are some general characteristics that can help you identify possum droppings:

  1. Size: Possum droppings are typically small to medium-sized, similar in shape and length to a grain of rice.
  2. Color: Fresh possum droppings tend to be dark brown or black in color.
  3. Texture: The texture of possum poop is often smooth and firm, resembling that of dog or cat feces.
  4. Contents: Possum droppings may contain remnants of seeds, berries, insects, or other food sources.

Differentiating Possum Droppings from Other Animals

Sometimes it can be challenging to distinguish between possum droppings and those left by other animals. Here are a few tips to help you differentiate possum poop from common look-alikes:

  1. Rat Droppings: Rat droppings are usually smaller and have pointed ends. They are also more likely to be found in concentrated areas near food sources.
  2. Squirrel Droppings: Squirrel droppings are similar in size to possum droppings but tend to be more cylindrical in shape. They may also have a rougher texture due to the presence of nut shells.
  3. Raccoon Droppings: Raccoon droppings are larger and more tubular in shape compared to possum poop. They often contain undigested food, such as berry seeds or insect exoskeletons.

How To Identify Possum Poop?

Possum poop is highly similar to that of dogs. However, looking at the following parameters can help you distinguish dog poop from possum poop:

  • Possum poop is generally one continual, rough, smooth and string-like pile. The droppings of possums do not contain any type of seeds. If there are seeds in the droppings then they may be of a racoon.
  • Droppings of possums also look like dark pellets around ¼ inch in diameter. Their droppings look a little shiny or wet.
  • You are likely to find possum droppings in clusters and groups. They can also be identified with white or yellow-coloured mould growing on the outer edges.
  • If the possum is of brushtail possum, then the droppings would look greenish-brown or blackish brown in colour.
  • The droppings of ringtail possums are about 10 mm and is dark brown to black in colour.
  • Possum droppings smell like ammonia and rotten faeces. If you experience a similar smell, then it is likely of a brushtail possum. The droppings of ring tail possums do not have an unpleasant odour.
  • Droppings of possums can contain garbage, paper and undigested food as well which can make it easy to identify.

Reasons Why Possum Poop Is Dangerous?

Make sure you do not touch the possum droppings at any cost. You are likely to expose yourselves and your loved ones to infections and diseases due to the possum droppings. It is important to note that it is possible to contract such serious infections and diseases only if one happens to physically touch the droppings while having an open wound or by consuming food or water that has been contaminated with the droppings.

These are some reasons that make possum droppings a health hazard for you and your family:

  • Possum droppings contain a number of germs and bacteria that can make one contract potentially fatal diseases. Roundworm is a disease that a person can acquire after coming into contact with possum droppings.
  • Larvae found in the roundworm can impact the central nervous system leading to dehydration, diarrhoea and other serious health concerns.
  • There are chances of contracting respiratory diseases, histoplasmosis and Hantavirus by way of possum droppings.
  • Possums are carriers of Leptospirosis and Salmonella. Leptospirosis can be fatal and has symptoms that are similar to the Flu. Untreated leptospirosis can cause liver and kidney issues, respiratory failure and meningitis.
  • One may also contract coccidiosis if one happens to touch possum droppings resulting in skin ulcers. Buruli ulcers is also a result of coming into contact with possum poop. The Buruli ulcer can lead to lasting impairments if it is not identified and treated in its early stages.
  • Fungal spores in possum droppings are highly dangerous too if inhaled. They can seriously damage lungs and heart functioning alongside blood infections.

Wash your hands thoroughly, if you come in contact with possum droppings. Consult a professional pest controller for the safe and immediate removal of possum poop from your premises. They sanitize the premises and filter the air with industry-grade machinery. The air quality is also purified with the help of antimicrobial sprays and chemicals.

Dealing with Possum Infestations

If you discover possum droppings on your property and suspect an infestation, it’s important to take appropriate measures to address the situation. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Seal Entry Points: Possums are excellent climbers and can squeeze through small openings. Inspect your property for any potential entry points and seal them off to prevent further access.
  2. Remove Attractants: Ensure that garbage cans are securely closed, pet food is not left outside overnight, and fallen fruits or bird feeders are cleaned up regularly.
  3. Install Motion-Activated Lights or Sprinklers: Possums are nocturnal animals and dislike sudden bright lights or water sprays. Installing these deterrents can discourage them from visiting your property.
  4. Seek Professional Help: If you are unable to resolve the possum infestation on your own, it is advisable to contact a wildlife control professional who can safely and humanely remove the animals from your property.


Identifying possum droppings can be a useful skill for homeowners or anyone interested in understanding the presence of these creatures. By recognizing the size, color, texture, and contents of possum poop, you can gain insights into their diet, health, and territory.

Remember to take appropriate steps if you suspect a possum infestation and seek professional possum removal help if needed. With a better understanding of possum droppings, you can coexist peacefully with these fascinating marsupials.

DisclaimerThe information presented in this blog post has been diligently fact-checked and written by Nicholas Willmore, an esteemed Australian expert in the pest control industry

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