Many of us associate possums with the small, fuzzy animals that like to act like the dead. However, did you know that possums belong to more than 60 different species? These creatures are as distinct as the settings they live in, which vary from lush forests to backyards in urban areas. While you may frequently come across possums in your yard, are you aware of the specific species? Australia is home to a diverse range of possum species, each unique in their habits and habitats.
You must comprehend the possum’s species in order to be able to deal with them properly. The best thing to do if you discover a possum in your roof is to contact a professional possum removal service. To be able to take the proper action, you must determine what kind of possum has possibly taken up residence in your garage, attic, or yard.
Types of Possums Found in Australia
In this comprehensive guide, we will look at some of the most common possum species that you might encounter in and around your home. We will look at easy ways of possum removal and also share tips on how to live harmoniously with these often misunderstood creatures so you can deal with them with ease:
The Brushtail Possum
The Brushtail Possum is one of the most common possum species found in Australian backyards. Their thick, bushy tails and large ears make them easily recognisable. Due to their high adaptability, these possums can live in a variety of habitats, from cities to forests. This species is notorious for having loud voices, which are occasionally audible at night. They are also known to live in roofs, where they can cause quite a racket and end up disrupting your good night’s sleep. But don’t worry, we’ll share some tips on how to prevent this later on.
The Ringtail Possum
The Ringtail Possum is another common possum species in Australia. They are often spotted in groups, and are more social compared to the Brushtail. Their identity is their distinctive tail that is used for gripping branches. The Ringtail is smaller in size when compared to the Brushtail. Apart from this, they are also known to build nests out of sticks and leaves in your yard. You may even be able to spot one of their nests if you have a ringtail living in your garden.
Leadbeater’s Possum
Leadbeater’s possum is a tiny and extremely quick species. You can recognise this small species by its orange-brown collar and large, round eyes. This creature feeds on insects and nectar, and is highly elusive. It is very difficult to get a hold of these tiny critters and they can be particularly annoying when you are trying to have them removed.
Eastern Pygmy Possum
As the name suggests, this species is one of the smallest species of possum in Australia. These tiny animals are almost the size of your palm and can easily fit into it. However, they are only small in size. They are quick, excellent at climbing and amazing at navigating their way through bushes and trees. They love nectar and fruits. If you have any fruit trees in your yard, you have to always be on the lookout for these small creatures.
Green Ringtail Possum
Yes, you guessed right. The Green Ringtail possum is green in colour. This species is a sight to behold because of its fur that is olive green in colour. These possums are known for their solitary nature. They are often spotted alone, unlike the Ringtail possum. Their diet is also different from the other species. This species feasts primarily on leaves, making them herbivorous.
Striped Possum
The Striped possum, recognised by its distinct black and white stripes, are known for their fondness of fruit and insects. This species has long fingers which it uses effectively to extract insects from crevices and barks of trees. Their loud calls are also a feature that helps us recognise them.
Living with Possums
After getting to know a few of the common possum species, let’s discuss coexisting peacefully with them. Possums are sometimes considered pests, but they are actually essential to our ecosystems. They have a reputation for consuming dangerous insects like ticks, which can stop the spread of illness.
Learn how to cohabit peacefully with the diverse possum species native to Australia. Understand their habits and behaviors and discover practical tips and strategies for a harmonious coexistence with these intriguing marsupials in your environment.
Do not panic if you have a possum in your backyard! These animals can be entertaining to watch and are usually harmless. To stop them from becoming a bother, there are some steps to ensure harmless possum control.
First and foremost, keep your compost and garbage bins locked, as possums have been known to raid them in search of food. To stop possums from entering your attic, you can also trim back any branches that are near your roof. These professionals are capable of removing the possum from your property in a humane and safe manner.
At Instant Possum Removal, we understand that dealing with possum removal on your own can be a challenging task and is best fulfilled with the help of a possum removal service. Our team of pest control experts with years of experience is trained specially to deal with each and every species of these creatures. Our usage of safe, proven methods as well as latest technology ensures that the entire process is carried out with the utmost precision and caution.
Disclaimer: The information presented in this blog post has been diligently fact-checked and written by Nicholas Willmore, an esteemed Australian expert in the pest control industry