Wildlife Permits For Possums In Australia

Did you know that possums are a protected species in Australia? Despite their protected status, possums can still cause damage to crops and property, and their scavenging habits can make them a nuisance to humans. If you are dealing with possum problems in your home or on your farm, Instant Possum Removal can help. With our humane and effective solutions, we can safely relocate possums without harming them or violating Australian guidelines for protecting their population. Plus, we help get wildlife permits in Australia and offer free quotes and 24/7 possum removal services nationwide. Don't let possums take over your life – call Instant Possum Removal today!

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    The Dos and Don'ts of Catching Possums:

    Follow These General Guidelines for Safe and Humane Removal. Possums are frequently sighted in Australia, and while they may look cuddly and not hurtful, they can cause significant harm to properties and gardens. These furry critters are known to chew on electrical wiring, destroy gardens, and even invade homes searching for food and shelter. As such, it's crucial to know how to catch and release them safely without causing any harm.

    One of the first steps in catching possums is identifying potential problem areas. Possums prefer wooded areas, bushes, and human structures such as sheds, garages, and gardens. You should pay attention to areas protected from direct sunlight and rain, as these will typically be where possums seek shelter. For example, a possum may make a home under the roof of a shed or garage, so it's essential to check these areas.

    Once you have identified a problem area, it's time to set traps. You will want to ensure your traps are safe and won't harm the possum. There are several types of traps and cages available, and it's essential to choose one that's appropriate for the size of the possum you're trying to catch.

    When you catch a possum, handling it with care is important. Possums can be easily stressed and may become agitated or aggressive if they feel threatened. It's essential to wear protective gear such as gloves and use a gentle approach when handling the possum. If you need help with this, it's best to contact a wildlife expert like Instant Possum Removal, who can guide you on handling possums safely.

    Commercial Rodent Control
    Emergency Rodent Control

    Finally, it's crucial to release the possum into its natural habitat carefully. It would be best to release the possum in an area with adequate shelter and a source of food and water. If you need help determining where to release the possum, it's best to contact a possum removal expert who can advise you on the best location.

    Catching and releasing possums safely and humanely requires careful planning, appropriate gear, and understanding of possum behaviour. By following the guidelines mentioned above, you can ensure that possums are trapped safely and released back into their natural habitat without harm.

    At Instant Possum Removal, we are always available to provide more information about possums and their protection laws, wildlife permits and possum removal services. Contact us today, and let us help you deal with possum-related problems in the most humane way possible.

    The Three Key Criteria for Obtaining a Wildlife Permit in Australia

    In Australia, it is important to follow the government's rules and regulations regarding wildlife permits and damage mitigation. If you are experiencing problems with possums or other wildlife causing damage to your property, you may be eligible to apply for a damage mitigation permit or wildlife permit. However, certain criteria must be met to receive these permits.

    Firstly, you must demonstrate that you have attempted to mitigate the damage caused by the wildlife in various ways but have yet to be successful. This shows that there is a definite need to take action to remove the wildlife.

    Emergency Rodent Control
    Emergency Rodent Control

    Secondly, the approach you take to remove the wildlife must be humane and not negatively impact the ecological sustainability of the area. This means you should use non-lethal methods whenever possible, such as trapping and releasing the animals back into their natural habitat.

    Thirdly, there must be considerable economic damage being caused or expected to be caused by the wildlife. This may include damage to crops, property or other assets.

    It is important to note that several non-lethal vegetation protection solutions require a damage mitigation license (such as collecting and releasing possums). This means it is necessary to apply for a permit before taking action to remove these animals.

    The Three Key Criteria for Obtaining a Wildlife Permit in Australia

    In Australia, it is important to follow the government's rules and regulations regarding wildlife permits and damage mitigation. If you are experiencing problems with possums or other wildlife causing damage to your property, you may be eligible to apply for a damage mitigation permit or wildlife permit. However, certain criteria must be met to receive these permits.


    you must demonstrate that you have attempted to mitigate the damage caused by the wildlife in various ways but have yet to be successful. This shows that there is a definite need to take action to remove the wildlife.


    the approach you take to remove the wildlife must be humane and not negatively impact the ecological sustainability of the area. This means you should use non-lethal methods whenever possible, such as trapping and releasing the animals back into their natural habitat.


    there must be considerable economic damage being caused or expected to be caused by the wildlife. This may include damage to crops, property or other assets.

    It is important to note that several non-lethal vegetation protection solutions require a damage mitigation license (such as collecting and releasing possums). This means it is necessary to apply for a permit before taking action to remove these animals.

    Suppose you would like more information about wildlife permits required or possum removal methods in Australia. In that case, contacting a professional company such as Instant Possum Removal is recommended for guidance and advice. They can help you navigate the legal requirements and ensure that any actions taken comply with the regulations while being humane and effective.

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